Light Saves Life
Emergency lighting systems can be found almost everywhere. They are mandatory in public buildings and workplaces and ensure that a building can be evacuated safely, quickly and in an orderly manner in the event of an emergency.
Safety lighting and escape-route luminaires provide sufficient light to shut down machinery, use escape routes and provide quick access to fire extinguishers and other safety equipment. They prevent panic and save lives.
When using centrally supplied emergency lighting, all emergency luminaires are supplied from a central location in the event of a power failure. In this kind of system, dimmable or non-dimmable LED drivers with the EL mark are used. Our LED drivers with the EL mark allow general lighting luminaires to also be used on a centrally supplied emergency lighting system.
In the case of single battery-powered emergency lighting, the battery is located in or next to the luminaire. For this type of emergency lighting, a special LED emergency power driver is used in the luminaire and reliable operation of the emergency lighting is ensured by the decentralised emergency power supply.
Unique LiFeGuard charging and discharge algorithm developed by Tridonic® with an integrated temperature sensor allows for a long design life of upto 8 years for its LiFePO4 batteries.
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